Get the skinny on gut bugs

gut health naturopath

Exercise, a healthy diet and adequate sleep are all important for maintaining a healthy weight.  But there’s a new player in the weight game – your gut bacteria!  The 37 trillion organisms happily living in your digestive tract are collectively called your microbiome (the new buzz word you may have heard of) and strongly dictate how your body regulates and maintains its weight.

Your Microbiome:  Fat Burning or Storing?

Your microbiome is unique from everyone else’s around you but clear trends show the gut bacteria in a lean person is different to that in an overweight person.  Your microbiome can be geared toward fat storing or fat burning, with a healthy microbiome (one that contains a diverse range of beneficial bugs), sending messages to the body to maintain a healthy weight range.  Could supporting your microbiome to be healthy, diverse and free from dysbiosis (where the bad bugs outweigh the good bugs) be the missing piece of your weight loss struggle?

Increase Your Fat Burning Bugs

Probiotics positively influence the health of your microbiome as they work by promoting the growth of beneficial bacterial to crowd out the growth of unwanted microbes.  However, it is important to select the correct strain … not just any ol’ probiotic off the shelf is going to help.  One of these strains is Bifidobacterium animalis ssp lactis (B-420).  Evidence shows it improves the health and diversity of the microbiome, decreases the inflammation caused by dysbiosis and reduces energy uptake from food resulting in an overall reduction in weight gain.

With the best approach to weight management being a holistic one don’t forget to consider your microbiome alongside your diet, exercise and sleep.  Improving your gut health can improve your waistline!

If you would like to know more about assessing the health and diversity of your microbiome, contact Carrun for a complimentary 15 minutes chat or jump straight into an appointment.

Carrun Squires